Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Color of Love

I have known that adoption was the right choice for our family.  During a recent phone interview with our agency, our case worker stated “This will happen.  I don’t know when, but it will happen.”  I agree.  The only thing that has been a concern for me was money.  I told Andrew when we started the process that I trust that things will come together as they are supposed to.  But I have always been worried about the money.

So I decided to be proactive.  I wanted to think of truly meaningful fundraisers to use for our adoption.  We have a few big fundraisers planned out.  This might be my favorite: we are “selling” the pieces of a puzzle called The Color of Love.  I chose this puzzle because of the look of it and the name of it (so symbolic because, among other reasons, we have applied to adopt a child of any race).  With a $10 donation, we’ll write the donor’s name on the back of a piece of the puzzle.  Once all pieces are spoken for, we’ll assemble it and have it framed to put in the nursery.  This puzzle is actually the focal point of our nursery design.  I know a lot of people are hesitant to give money because they think that just $5 or $10 won’t do much.  But if everyone on our Facebook friends lists gave $10, we’d have a full quarter of our fees right there!!  We’re excited to have a reminder of the village that helps bring our baby home.  We’re excited to tell our child of the many generous people who loved them and hoped for them before they were even born.  Each piece of the puzzle will tell a story.  We could not imagine a more perfect fundraiser for our situation than that.  I hope you will join us in reaching our goal.  If you can spare $10, please consider giving to our adoption fund.  Here’s a link to donate:

I know I will be surprised at how things come together.  That’s a cool thing about how God works.  Even recently, people I have never met have stepped forward to help bring my baby home to me.  How incredible to see God at work as we have stepped out in faith to follow our call to adopt.  Please continue to pray for us, for our baby, and for our baby’s birth parents.  We are beyond grateful for your kind words, hugs, and “likes” on Facebook.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support!!

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