Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Miracles Do Happen

My little brother and his amazing bride are currently expecting their first child.  Since Andrew and I are not taking the traditional route to expanding our family, I knew I’d be missing out on all those mommy-to-be moments that one typically experiences when pregnant.  Recently, my brother and sister-in-law invited me to sit in on the next ultrasound appointment, which was today.  And let me say, WOW!!!

How incredible it was to sit and watch the tech snap picture after picture of a tiny leg, little fingers, the profile of the head, etc.  At this point, they said the baby is about 3 inches long.  We SAW its heart beating.  We HEARD its heart beat.  I was completely choked up.  What an incredible miracle.  This tiny 3 inch long human has a heart that beats like ours.  It has tiny fingers that kept covering its face to hide from the camera.  It has legs that kick and wiggle like any squirming child.  And it’s inside my beautiful sister-in-law.  How does God do it!?  Sitting in that room and listening to the heartbeat, I just truly had a hard time wrapping my head around it.  And I could not help but think that somewhere, maybe even at this very moment, there’s another woman who’s growing a little human in her that will one day be my sweet baby.  What a great thing that God has called us to adopt, and He knows when and where our baby will be already.  Please join me in praying for the strong woman who will experience the “happiest sad” as she trusts me with the life she bears in her.  She is as much a part of our adoption story as we ourselves are.  I can’t wait to get the phone call that she has picked us for her child.  I can’t wait to hold our own little miracle.


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    1. Michelle, I don't know if you know it or not, but I am adopted. (Beth Bedenbaugh from school) There have been MANY moments in my life that I have been moved to tears thinking about the sacrifice my birth mother made (especially in 1965) to give me to my parents. Even with 3 boys of my own, and I can barely comprehend the kind of pure love it takes to GIVE UP your child when you know that is what's best for him/her. What selfless love that is. I have never really wanted to meet my birth mother, but I have often wanted to tell her thank you for giving me to the best parents in the world, and let her know that her sacrifice was truly worth it. My parents adopted me, but had my brother (thanks to new fertility drugs at the time). Since my mother can compare the two methods of getting a child, she says she actually prefers the adoption...a lot less pain! LOL! But she also says in some ways it is exactly the same because the MINUTE they put that baby in your arms that baby is yours, regardless of method....Many prayers in your journey, and I hope for you and your husband it will be a quick one! :)
