Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Baby Steps

I can’t begin to explain how happy I am to almost be done with the home study phase of this adoption process.  This past week we had our home visit from our social worker.  It was a whirlwind, but our social worker did a great job!  I still feel so “new” to this, and I often feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.  Isn’t that the case with so much in life though?  You just keep on going; in this case you keep filling out forms.  I will be GLAD to pass off those forms.  I’m grateful to my sweet hubby who has spent many an evening with me pouring over these pages.  So in case you’re wondering, here are the next steps in our process:

1. Finish home study – Almost there!!
2. Complete the print profile – We have to collect and label almost 100 recent pictures of ourselves (this has actually been pretty fun, to relive some of our adventures and make new ones thanks to sweet family who tolerate me shoving a camera in their hands as of late) and write multiple pages describing ourselves, our home, etc.
3. Complete the video profile – If you know me, you know I dread this.  I’m an introvert.   Being in a video is not my idea of fun.  I’m grateful for the dear friends who have encouraged me in this.  It is so worth setting aside my comfort!!!
4. Fundraising – We cannot even get on the wait list until we have our financing secured.  You see why this is my biggest worry??  Andrew’s been great to help me celebrate small goals.  We recently reached the 10% mark!  (THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE!!!!) 

The whole process is very daunting.  It makes you doubt yourself.  It’s stressful.  But it’s also incredibly rewarding.  I am so blessed by time spent with Andrew and how close our conversations have brought us.  I am blessed by the time spent in prayer and relying on God when I’m just so unable to keep going on my own.  I am blessed by my beloved family who have not just supported this decision but enthusiastically participated in the process with us!  I am blessed by friends and strangers who have surrounded us with uplifting comments and even financial support. 

When the going gets tough, these blessings help me persevere.  Everyday we’re just a little bit closer to bringing home Baby I.

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