Friday, June 27, 2014


Ugh..  just logged in to do an update, and saw that I had only saved, not published this post from May 23... Here ya go: an oldy, but goody...


So last weekend was the yard sale fundraiser.  I am SO glad to have that done with.  Yard sales are hard work, and it was quite a stretch for this introvert to undertake the task.  Thankfully, Pinterest is LOADED with inspiration.  What did we do before that?!

We had a TON of stuff.  We sold a good bit, but there's plenty left over that's going to charity.  I am immensely grateful for the wonderful friends and family who gave items to sell and/or gave their time on Saturday to hang out with us!  That's definitely the most fun I've ever had at a yard sale!

We've added the money from that event to the pot.  We are getting ever closer to our goals!

Fun fact: Did you know that once you get a baby, the adoption process is not over!?  There are months of follow-ups from social workers and lawyers/the court before the process is finalized.

The baby shower for my soon-to-be-here niece that I did a couple of weeks ago was a blast, too!  I can't believe that little bundle of joy will be here soon.  It seems like just a few weeks ago that I got to hear her heart beat!  We took dinner to my brother and sister-in-law this week and it was so cool to actually SEE the baby kicking!  She's gonna be a firecracker, and I'm so excited!!!  And what wonderful parents my brother and sister-in-law will be!  I've been so blessed to follow their journey to parenthood while trudging my own.  Family is such an amazing thing.  It's so cool to watch your families grow through Facebook, and to then experience our family growing in number and love is so moving.  Thank you all for your support during this time, and praise God for the gift of family and friends!


And a more current post will be headed your way soon!